Monday, July 30, 2018

What to do when you're sad or feeling depressed?

It sucks when you have no one to talk to and you feel helpless, worthless and everything seems to be your fault, but it isn't. Yet you keep it from your most loved ones because you don't want them to get hurt. Well, whether it was a traumatic experience or you're feeling very sad, just know you are not alone. The only way you can help yourself is to distract yourself, which personally worked for me. Just remind yourself everything will be okay! Here are some tips I hope help you because these are things that I do!

1. Write it all out in a journal or diary and let it all out in writing and tears, sometimes crying does help. 
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2. Watch a sitcom like "Steinfeld" or "The Office". If you're too broke for Netflix no worries, just write the title of the show or movie on google with 123movie. e.g. "The Office season 1 episode 1 123 movies". Just remember to quickly close the pop-ups. 

3. Avoid having comfort food, it will just make you feel worse after it is all done. You know you're not hungry, just drink A LOT OF WATER!
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4. Cuddle with your pet if you have one. 
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5. Clean your room and perhaps your house. My personal favorite is vacuuming and mopping my entire house. 

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6. Write a list of all the things you are grateful for and think about all the happy memories you've had in the past. 
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7. Listen to music that will make you feel good. 

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8. Go for a walk and enjoy the nature. 
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9. Realize that you can use this sadness, to work harder toward your goals and make it the medicine to work harder. Use this to devote your time towards your hobbies. e.g. drawing, bullet journaling 
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10. Talk to a friend and try to help them stay positive if you don't want to talk about your problems, no worries, you making them feel better will instantly make you feel better. 

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Why I love Sebastian Stan?

It all began when I watched Captain America: The First Avenger, something about his character being the villain and the super hot bromance with Chris Evans. Lately, he is all I've been thinking about and here are the reasons why.

                                                 1. His eyes are soo big and fabulous.
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                                         2. He knows how to look good in EVERYTHING!
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                                                        omg even long hair, wow.

                             3. I love how he speaks Romanian, it makes me want to be a polyglot. 
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4. He seems like a guy I could hug all the time. 
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5. Looking at him laugh really does make me laugh for no apparent reason

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6. He's an awkward person just like us!
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7. Please tell me why he isn't shirtless more often. 
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8. He admires all his fans on his Instagram stories.
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9. This could be us but I'm underage. 
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